Community Search
View wetlands spatial data by entering a community name and type.
One county or community must be selected.
Town/Range/Section Search
View wetlands spatial data by searching via town, range, or section.
Select the Town from the dropdown list and then the Range dropdown will fill in. Then selecting a range will likewise fill in the section list.
Once a valid Town-Range-Section combination is selected the map will be launched.
Coordinate Search
View wetlands spatial data by entering either Decimal Degrees or Degrees/Minutes/Seconds coordinates in within the state of Michigan.
Example in Decimal Degrees: Lat 42.733690, Lon -84.555482.
Example in Degrees/Minutes/Seconds: Lat 42d/44m/1.283s, Lon -84d/33m/19.735s
Decimal Degrees
Watershed Search
Watersheds are those land areas that catch rain or snow and drain to specific marshes, streams, rivers, lakes, or to ground water. View this data by selecting a watershed name from the provided drop-down menu..