Welcome to Michigan Department of Transportation, Non Trunk Line Federal Aid Mapping Application. Traffic segmentation details may be viewed or exported in multiple formats. The Non Trunkline Federal Aid Program, NTFA, was established to Show More...

Navigational Tools

Select traffic segmentation to display and export information.

Choose features you want to view on the map.

A key to symbolism used on a map, containing swatches of symbols with descriptions.

View results from the place search when more than one result is found.

Active the Identify and select a road segment to display its Traffic ID, AADT and more.

Map navigation information is available above the map using the Navigation Info dropdown menu.

Export by

Map Selection County

Use the tools below to select and then export point and line traffic segmentation information.


Toggle layer visibility by clicking the corresponding checkbox.


descriptive text.


Use the search box above to search for an address, city, zip, county, village, township, intersection, or place of interest. Examples are found in the help tooltip to the right of the input box.